Elasticsearch.yml chanages 2.x to 5.x on AWS EC2 - Amazon linux

Some comments about your settings:

  • Cloud.aws.access_key should be cloud.aws.access_key.
  • Remove discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false which is not needed anymore
  • node.zone should become node.attr.zone

About deprecated settings, you can keep them for now as they are or try to migrate them to secured settings.
But other things are going to change in the future so I'd probably wait for the latest elasticsearch 5.x version when 6.0 final will be released so you will be able to prepare the migration.

And I hope that everything will be documented at this point.

As I wrote in:

You will need to register the following secured settings:

  • discovery.ec2.access_key
  • discovery.ec2.secret_key

And cloud.aws.region should not be used anymore but discovery.ec2.endpoint needs to be set in elasticsearch.yml file.

I hope this helps. If you still have warning messages or errors, please share your logs so we can provide more help.

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