当调用ElasticsearchClient的query方法时, static字段丢失或者改变, 这是为什么呀

Java API client version: 7.17.10
Java version: jdk-
Elasticsearch Version: 7.17

我有个代码仓库可以复现这个问题: GitHub - xiaochunyong/elasticsearch-threadlocal-reference-changed

有一个类UserHolder, 里面有个ThreadLocal变量

public class UserHolder {

    public static ThreadLocal<String> holder = new ThreadLocal<>();


当在PostController中调用ElasticsearchClient.query方法时, 进入query方法前和进入方法后, currentThread不一样

public class PostController {

    private ElasticsearchClient client;

    public static Thread currentThread;

    public static String welcome = "hello1";

    public Object query() throws IOException {
        currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
        welcome = "hello2";

        SearchResponse<ObjectNode> search = client.search(s -> s
                        .query(b -> b
                                .matchAll(b2 -> b2)

        return search.hits().hits();


I found the reason. I used spring-boot-devtools. The class loader used by the class under src is different from the class loader in the jar package.

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