ElasticsearchException got in indexing function: TransportError

[17:15:47]{completed_searching2.py:346}ERROR- Error Occured: Exception in indexing function: ElasticsearchException got in indexing function: TransportError(429, 'circuit_breaking_exception', '[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be [419990290/400.5mb], which is larger than the limit of [410412646/391.3mb], real usage: [419976320/400.5mb], new bytes reserved: [13970/13.6kb], usages [request=17232/16.8kb, fielddata=21250/20.7kb, in_flight_requests=13970/13.6kb, model_inference=0/0b, accounting=779820/761.5kb]')

i am getting this error while ingestion of 500MB out of 14GB data. So how can i get the solution for

Welcome !

You need to reduce the size of the documents you are sending at once.
What are you using to send the data to elasticsearch?

I am trying to ingestion the data into ElasticSearch. It was of client data and I need to ingest it.
Thank you

You need to split it in multiple requests.

If you need more help, please share exactly what you are doing, what the documents you are sending looks like... Anything that can help us to help you.

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