ElasticSerch returns an error if the query contains strings with brackets and other characters


The application has the ability to filter the date by key values. For example, if you need to display all items in which "Result: success";

For one of the keys, the value is always in the form of a JS object, with quotes, etc. This results in elasticsearch not being able to parse the JSON correctly. For example, we are looking for all items in which the property changeSet: {'filteringRuleName': null}

The question is: how to work with such a request so that the Elastic can process it normally?

Fragment of a working request(In this case, I am looking for a date with property action = EDIT):
"query_string": { "query": "action:EDIT"}

Fragment of a non-working query example*(In this case, I am looking for a date whose property changeSet = {'filteringRuleName': null})*:
"query_string": { "query": "changeSet:{'filteringRuleName':null}"}

Returned error code:

"reason": {
                    "type": "query_shard_exception",
                    "reason": "Failed to parse query [changeSet:{'filteringRuleName':null}]",
                    "index_uuid": "h0xXZj0eQGWrSIYTcfv5nQ",
                    "index": "cxc-audit-22-30-2021.02.05",
                    "caused_by": {
                        "type": "parse_exception",
                        "reason": "parse_exception: Cannot parse 'changeSet:{'filteringRuleName':null}': Encountered \" \"}\" \"} \"\" at line 1, column 35.\nWas expecting:\n    \"TO\" ...\n    ",
                        "caused_by": {
                            "type": "parse_exception",
                            "reason": "parse_exception: Encountered \" \"}\" \"} \"\" at line 1, column 35.\nWas expecting:\n    \"TO\" ...\n    "

You need to double escape the colons & braces for that to work.

"query": "changeSet\\:\\{'filteringRuleName'\\:null\\}"


The error is no longer thrown.
But the result is returned empty, as if there is no such data.

{ "size": 10, "from": 0, "sort": [ { "@timestamp": { "order": "desc" } } ], "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "bool": { "filter": [ { "range": { "@timestamp": { "from": 1614771196893, "to": 1614792796893, "format": "epoch_millis" } } }, { "query_string": { "query": "changeSet\\:\\{'filteringRuleName'\\:null\\}" } } ] } }, { "bool": { "must": [ { "range": { "@timestamp": { "from": 1614771196893, "to": 1614792796893, "format": "epoch_millis" } } }, { "query_string": { "query": "changeSet\\:\\{'filteringRuleName'\\:null\\}" } }, { "regexp": { "action": { "value": ".*edit.*" } } } ] } } ] } } }

{ "took": 57, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 33, "successful": 33, "skipped": 0, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 0, "max_score": null, "hits": [] } }

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