ELK Stack in different servers

Hi everyone,

I'm using ELK Stack and it was working good until the last days when I started working with Machine Learning. The problem is I'm using the stack in the same server, so I'm thinking about split it, but I don't know how.

Could someone give me any tip about how to do it?


For starters, check out this post: https://www.elastic.co/blog/small-medium-or-large-scaling-elasticsearch-and-evolving-the-elastic-stack-to-fit

Here's another post: https://thoughts.t37.net/designing-the-perfect-elasticsearch-cluster-the-almost-definitive-guide-e614eabc1a87

There's a lot of information to consider when scaling the Elastic Stack across multiple nodes. How many shards should you allocate, hardware requirements, configurations for each part of the stack, etc.

It's easier to critique your thoughts and plan than to offer a solution. :wink:

Thanks a lot!!

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