Elk stack node number


I am curious about how can I decide number of nodes for a production elk stack cluster. My questions are below;

How can I decide;

-How many data nodes do I need? (how many of them are for hot data, how many of them for warm data?)
-Master nodes should be at least 3, can I install them on data nodes or are seperated master nodes better?
-I read that ingest node is only useful for log tailing functions, for more functions(metrics etc.) I should use logstash. Is it correct? How many logstash servers should I use?
-Should I use a seperated ML node or can I mark master nodes as ML node?


May I suggest you look at the following resources about sizing:


this is about your data as:
1. how many data in seconds input es;
2. enyone the data size;
3. how many the data fields;
4. search respone time;
5. the machine cpu and memory;
6. ect...

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