Empty index after restart


I don't undestand how to shutdown my embeded ES node and find the
indexed document after restart.
.I have a single node without replication (see config at the end).

I index a very small document successfully.
I run a search and I found it.

I stop my server and restart it.
I run the previous search again and I found nothing.

Whith Luke I can't see anything... before after restarting.

I have tried to run a flushRequest before closing the node, I have
tried to not closing the node, ... What I am missing ?

{cluster.name=es., path.home=${..appDir}//data/lucene/,
, index.number_of_shards=1, gateway.local=TRACE,
index.number_of_replicas=0, index.store.type=fs}


I read this post (http://elasticsearch-users.115913.n3.nabble.com/
Indexes-deleted-empty-on-cluster-restart-tp3169598p3192053.html) but
it seems to me quite different.

What do you see in the logging after restart? Specifically the
gateway.local logging? Is the path.data location persist between restarts?

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 7:49 PM, vlag vlagorce@gmail.com wrote:


I don't undestand how to shutdown my embeded ES node and find the
indexed document after restart.
.I have a single node without replication (see config at the end).

I index a very small document successfully.
I run a search and I found it.

I stop my server and restart it.
I run the previous search again and I found nothing.

Whith Luke I can't see anything... before after restarting.

I have tried to run a flushRequest before closing the node, I have
tried to not closing the node, ... What I am missing ?

{cluster.name=es.*, path.home=${..appDir}//data/lucene/,

, index.number_of_shards=1, gateway.local=TRACE,
index.number_of_replicas=0, index.store.type=fs}


I read this post (http://elasticsearch-users.115913.n3.nabble.com/
Indexes-deleted-empty-on-cluster-restart-tp3169598p3192053.html) but
it seems to me quite different.