I am trying to setup a POC of elastic enterprise workplace search on my docker desktop. I am able to successfully setup the Elasticsearch. The workplace search container is able to connect. However, it says there is a number of migrations that need to happen and needs to be set to read-only mode. Then the enterprise search container exits with code 1 before I can run any commands or access the container.
I tried setting readonly mode in the docker compose file, but that doesnt work. I tried downgrading to 7.9.3 from 7.10.2 based on a post i found, but that doesnt help as well. This is a fresh installation and i dont care about any indexes, so not sure what needs migration here.
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:04.421+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: Enterprise Search version=7.10.2, JRuby version=, Ruby version=2.5.7, Rails version=
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:04.457+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: Performing pre-flight checks for Elasticsearch running on http://elasticsearch:9200...
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:05.780+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Successfully connected to Elasticsearch
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:05.951+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Successfully loaded Elasticsearch plugin information for all nodes
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:06.085+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Elasticsearch running with an active basic license
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:06.157+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Elasticsearch API key service is enabled
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:06.159+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] ILM is enabled in Elasticsearch
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:06.173+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: Elasticsearch looks healthy and configured correctly to run Enterprise Search
elasticsearch | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2021-01-26T21:02:08,430Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService", "cluster.name": "app-search-docker-cluster", "node.name": "es-node", "message": "Cluster health status changed from [RED] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[ilm-history-3-000001][0], [.ent-search-actastic-clusters][0], [.ent-search-actastic-togo_migrations_v1][0]]]).", "cluster.uuid": "jM4lZUq3QqizvRBZkxoATw", "node.id": "KNbyaMI4QneGNHlSPgsDqA" }
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:27.868+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: [db_lock] [installation] Status: [Starting] Ensuring migrations tracking index exists
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:28.061+00:00][1][2002][app-server][INFO]: [db_lock] [installation] Status: [Finished] Ensuring migrations tracking index exists
workplacesearch | [2021-01-26T21:02:29.589+00:00][1][2002][app-server][ERROR]:
workplacesearch | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
workplacesearch |
workplacesearch | We need to perform 41/42 migrations before the service can be started.
workplacesearch | Migrations pending: 20191128005459, 20191229125356, 20200106175000, 20200110195000, 20200111194400, 20200117203813, 20200123204201, 20200315184305, 20200320112905, 20200321012851, 20200323103800, 20200324050123, 20200331143437, 20200401124700, 20200407185805, 20200413173514, 20200422141505, 20200424000000, 20200512150416, 20200515000015, 20200604175830, 20200610113647, 20200611093100, 20200612155336, 20200617164710, 20200617210501, 20200623134305, 20200624153999, 20200709120000, 20200717204953, 20200723200724, 20200804130700, 20200812161600, 20200819161200, 20200820160000, 20200908160000, 20200909083401, 20200922121556, 20200923160000, 20200928151001, 20201001000000
workplacesearch |
workplacesearch | Proceeding with migrations while indices are allowing writes can have unintended consequences.
workplacesearch | Please enable read-only mode before proceeding:
workplacesearch | Read-only mode | Elastic Enterprise Search documentation [8.4] | Elastic
workplacesearch |
workplacesearch |
workplacesearch | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
workplacesearch |
workplacesearch |
workplacesearch exited with code 1