Endpoint config on elastic

Hi all,
After elastic annoucing that the endpoint will have free plan i immediately try it and i have some issue.
After i i config tls so that i can use the fleet option, then every time i try to go in to the administration on the siem part it still ask me to enroll an agent dispite of me having already enroll elastic-agent.
Can i ask how to fix this problems.

Thanks you for your time.

I am also having the same problem.

Can you verify the Elastic Endpoint is running? Look for a process called
'elastic-endpoint'. You can also grab logs from the Elastic Endpoint directory, find where it is running and then look in the state/log directory.

Well it seem to be running but it still ask me to enroll agent everytime i click on the adminitration tab.
Btw can i ask how to change to config of the fleet, like after i enroll an agent to the fleet, i want to change the config of the agent to send log to a difference place than localhost. How can i do that?

I think you're looking for the "Settings" on the top right of the Management -> Ingest Manager -> Fleet section. It will have a section for input on where the elasticsearch and kibana urls are set for the config of the fleet.

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