Endpoint Security Not Showing Host Events

Hello there,

I need to understand why the endpoint security is not showing even after enroll the fleet agents.

Follow my screens:


Endpoint log:

{"@timestamp":"2021-06-03T20:11:54.0871431Z","agent":{"id":"79916aef-a4d2-db94-10e0-eca1f07956fe","type":"endpoint"},"ecs":{"version":"1.6.0"},"log":{"level":"notice","origin":{"file":{"line":508,"name":"Client.cpp"}}},"message":"Client.cpp:508 Failed to create in index (logs-endpoint.events.security-default) json ({\"@timestamp\":\"2021-06-03T14:29:18.5216866Z\",\"agent\":{\"id\":\"79916aef-a4d2-db94-10e0-eca1f07956fe\",\"type\":\"endpoint\",\"version\":\"7.13.0\"},\"data_stream\":{\"dataset\":\"endpoint.events.security\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"type\":\"logs\"},\"ecs\":{\"version\":\"1.6.0\"},\"elastic\":{\"agent\":{\"id\":\"f08ec713-dbcc-4894-9318-fc51adbcbb4f\"}},\"event\":{\"category\":[],\"created\":\"2021-06-03T14:29:18.5216866Z\",\"dataset\":\"endpoint.events.security\",\"id\":\"M9TdQ55Xwk5dv2vy+++4/xiW\",\"kind\":\"event\",\"module\":\"endpoint\",\"sequence\":24501238,\"type\":[]},\"host\":{\"architecture\":\"x86_64\",\"hostname\":\"WIN\",\"id\":\"1ef51d14-c2b0-4cd5-9837-05a9eff9bf59\",\"ip\":[\"\",\"\",\"::1\"],\"mac\":[\"00:50:56:81:68:1d\"],\"name\":\"WIN\",\"os\":{\"Ext\":{\"variant\":\"Windows Server 2016 Datacenter\"},\"family\":\"windows\",\"full\":\"Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 1607 (10.0.14393.4169)\",\"kernel\":\"1607 (10.0.14393.4169)\",\"name\":\"Windows\",\"platform\":\"windows\",\"version\":\"1607 (10.0.14393.4169)\"}},\"message\":\"Endpoint security event\",\"process\":{\"Ext\":{\"ancestry\":[\"Nzk5MTZhZWYtYTRkMi1kYjk0LTEwZTAtZWNhMWYwNzk1NmZlLTQ4OC0xMzI2NzEzOTE4MC4yNTM4MDYwMDA=\"]},\"entity_id\":\"Nzk5MTZhZWYtYTRkMi1kYjk0LTEwZTAtZWNhMWYwNzk1NmZlLTYyOC0xMzI2NzEzOTE4MC42NTQ2MTkwMDA=\",\"executable\":\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\lsass.exe\"},\"user\":{\"domain\":\"NT AUTHORITY\",\"id\":\"S-1-5-18\",\"name\":\"SYSTEM\"}}) reason (pipeline with id [logs-endpoint.events.security-0.19.1] does not exist) status (400)","process":{"pid":2068,"thread":{"id":3272}}}

Any help would be much appreciated.


Hi @francescouk - thanks for using Endpoint Security.

Based on the log message, it looks like the logs-endpoint.events.security-0.19.1 pipeline doesn't exist, which is odd.

Can you navigate to "Stack Management > Ingest Node Pipelines" and see if the logs-endpoint.events.security-0.19.1 pipeline exists? If it doesn't, could you see if another version of the same pipeline exists? You can just search by logs-endpoint.events.security and let me know what you see, if anything. Maybe you'll see logs-endpoint.events.security-0.18.x, etc. which would indicate that the pipeline didn't update properly.

Further, can you check "Stack Management > Index Management > Data Streams" and check to see if the corresponding Data Stream is installed? You can search on logs-endpoint.events.security-default and let me know what you see in the list.

The pipeline and data stream referenced above should be installed automatically when adding Endpoint Security, so if they are missing it can lead us to the root of the problem.

In addition, could you let me know if this is the first time you're trying out Fleet/Endpoint Security or if you were using it before and just upgraded to 7.13?

Hi Kevin, Thanks for quick reply.

Indeed, for some reason I haven´t got those pipelines. Dunno why which I think should come by default no? There´s any way to import those pipelines?

Data Streams:

And finally, yes this is the first time trying the ES.

Thank you!!

This should certainly have been taken care of for you by default and is worth investigating why that didn't occur. Another thing to check is if the system package pipelines installed which should also be added by default. Can you navigate back to "Stack Management > Ingest Node Pipelines" and search on logs-system and let me know what you see? There should be 5 pipelines with that prefix.

Further, check the ES logs for references to logs-endpoint.events.security-0.19.1. There may be errors there where it tried to install the pipelines but failed - there could be more useful information for debugging.

In the meantime, you can work around the Endpoint issues by manually adding the pipelines.

Navigate to "Dev Tools > Console"

From there, you can set up the API calls to add the pipelines. It will look something like this:

You can read more about pipelines and the API here

Assuming that none of the pipelines installed, here is the full list (there are 8 for Endpoint). All of the bodies for the pipelines is the same except for logs-endpoint.events.network-0.19.1 which has another processor.

Let me know how this works out!

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-endpoint.events.registry-0.19.1
  "description": "Pipeline for setting event.ingested",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "event.ingested",
        "value": "{{ _ingest.timestamp }}",
        "ignore_failure": true

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-endpoint.alerts-0.19.1
  "description": "Pipeline for setting event.ingested",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "event.ingested",
        "value": "{{ _ingest.timestamp }}",
        "ignore_failure": true

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-endpoint.diagnostic.collection-0.19.1
  "description": "Pipeline for setting event.ingested",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "event.ingested",
        "value": "{{ _ingest.timestamp }}",
        "ignore_failure": true

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-endpoint.events.file-0.19.1
  "description": "Pipeline for setting event.ingested",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "event.ingested",
        "value": "{{ _ingest.timestamp }}",
        "ignore_failure": true

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-endpoint.events.library-0.19.1
  "description": "Pipeline for setting event.ingested",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "event.ingested",
        "value": "{{ _ingest.timestamp }}",
        "ignore_failure": true

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-endpoint.events.network-0.19.1
  "description": "Pipeline for network events",
  "processors": [
	    "set": {
	      "field": "event.ingested",
	      "value": "{{ _ingest.timestamp }}",
	      "ignore_failure": true
	    "geoip": {
	      "field": "source.ip",
	      "target_field": "source.geo",
	      "properties": [
	      "ignore_missing": true
	    "geoip": {
	      "field": "destination.ip",
	      "target_field": "destination.geo",
	      "properties": [
	      "ignore_missing": true
	    "grok": {
	      "if": "ctx.network?.protocol == 'dns'",
	      "ignore_missing": true,
	      "ignore_failure": true,
	      "field": "message",
	      "patterns": [
	        "^DNS query is completed for the name .* type %{WORD:dns.question.Ext_temp.type}"
	    "script": {
	      "ignore_failure": true,
	      "if": "ctx.network?.protocol == 'dns' && ctx.dns?.question?.Ext_temp?.type != null && ctx.dns?.question?.type == null",
	      "source": "Map typeMap = ['1': 'A', '2': 'NS', '3': 'MD', '4': 'MF', '5': 'CNAME', '6': 'SOA', '7': 'MB', '8': 'MG', '9': 'MR',\n  '10': 'NULL', '11': 'WKS', '12': 'PTR', '13': 'HINFO', '14': 'MINFO', '15': 'MX', '16': 'TXT', '17': 'RP', '18': 'AFSDB',\n  '19': 'X25', '20': 'ISDN', '21': 'RT', '22': 'NSAP', '23': 'NSAPPTR', '24': 'SIG', '25': 'KEY', '26': 'PX',\n  '27': 'GPOS', '28': 'AAAA', '29': 'LOC', '30': 'NXT', '31': 'EID', '32': 'NIMLOC', '33': 'SRV', '34': 'ATMA',\n  '35': 'NAPTR', '36': 'KX', '37': 'CERT', '38': 'A6', '39': 'DNAME', '40': 'SINK', '41': 'OPT', '42': 'APL',\n  '43': 'DS', '44': 'SSHFP', '45': 'ISECKEY', '46': 'RRSIG', '47': 'NSEC', '48': 'DNSKEY', '49': 'DHCID',\n  '50': 'NSEC3', '51': 'NSEC3PARAM', '52': 'TLSA', '53': 'SMIMEA', '55': 'HIP', '56': 'NINFO', '57': 'RKEY',\n  '58': 'TALINK', '59': 'CDS', '60': 'CDNSKEY', '61': 'OPENPGPKEY', '62': 'CSYNC', '63': 'ZONEMD', '64': 'SVCB',\n  '65': 'HTTPS', '99': 'SPF', '100': 'UINFO', '101': 'UID', '102': 'GID', '103': 'UNSPEC', '104': 'NID',\n  '105': 'L32', '106': 'L64', '107': 'LP', '108': 'EUI48', '109': 'EUI64', '249': 'TKEY', '250': 'TSIG',\n  '251': 'IXFR', '252': 'AXFR', '253': 'MAILB', '254': 'MAILA', '255': 'ANY','256': 'URI', '257': 'CAA',\n  '258': 'AVC'];\ndef type = typeMap[ctx.dns.question.Ext_temp.type]; if (type != null) {\n  ctx.dns.question.type = type;\n}"
	    "remove": {
	      "if": "ctx.network?.protocol == 'dns'",
	      "ignore_failure": true,
	      "ignore_missing": true,
	      "field": "dns.question.Ext_temp"

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-endpoint.events.process-0.19.1
  "description": "Pipeline for setting event.ingested",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "event.ingested",
        "value": "{{ _ingest.timestamp }}",
        "ignore_failure": true

PUT _ingest/pipeline/logs-endpoint.events.security-0.19.1
  "description": "Pipeline for setting event.ingested",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "event.ingested",
        "value": "{{ _ingest.timestamp }}",
        "ignore_failure": true

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