Enrich pipeline - how to get sum of enriched values from array

I'm trying to apply "enrich pipeline" to my data to be able to filter/sort my main index with new fields. These fields are originally stored in a separate index.

Let's say I have two indices:
index1 - main index where main documents are stored (recipient index);
index2 - additional index with fields I want to copy/enrich into index1 (donor index);

Document from index1 may have one-to-many relation to index2

Example doc from index1 :

PUT /index1/_doc/111
  "id": "111",
  "foo": "bar"

Example docs from index2:

PUT /index2/_doc/child-111
  "id": "child-111",
  "views": 4,
  "parents": [
      "parent_id": "111",
      "foo": "bar"
      "parent_id": "333",
      "foo": "bar"

PUT /index2/_doc/child-222
  "id": "child-222",
  "views": 10,
  "parents": [
      "parent_id": "111",
      "foo": "bar"
      "parent_id": "333",
      "foo": "bar"

I want to match documents from index2 by value inside array of objects:parents.parent_id with value of id form index1. And write sum of matched views into main doc from index1.

My enrich policy:

GET /_enrich/policy/test-enrich-summ
  "policies": [
      "config": {
        "match": {
          "name": "test-enrich-summ",
          "indices": [
          "match_field": "parents.parent_id",
          "enrich_fields": [

My ingest pipeline:

    "enrich": {
      "field": "id",
      "policy_name": "test-enrich-summ",
      "target_field": "enrich_data",
      "max_matches": 121,
      "ignore_missing": true

After executing enrich policy I do update docs from index1 by:

POST /index1/_update_by_query?pipeline=test-summ-pipeline

Resulting doc from index:

GET /index1/_doc/111
  "_index": "index1",
  "_id": "111",
  "_version": 19,
  "_seq_no": 18,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "found": true,
  "_source": {
    "enrich_data": [
        "views": 10,
        "parents": [
            "parent_id": "111"
            "parent_id": "333"
        "views": 4,
        "parents": [
            "parent_id": "111"
            "parent_id": "222"
    "foo": "bar",
    "id": "111"

It correctly saved combined matched data into enrich_data field. But I don't need array of objects there, parents and separate views fileds are not needed (perhaps only for debug). I want to get a sum of views, like some enrich_data.total_views field. How can accomplish this?

Answering my own question: you can combine multiple processors into a single pipeline.

I added 2 addition processors:

  1. Script processor to sum views into total_views
  2. Remove enrich_data field from main doc.

My final pipeline processors:

    "enrich": {
      "field": "id",
      "policy_name": "test-enrich-summ",
      "target_field": "enrich_data",
      "max_matches": 121,
      "ignore_missing": true
    "script": {
      "source": "int total_views = 0;\nfor (item in ctx['enrich_data']) {\n  total_views += item['views'];\n  }\nctx['total_views'] = total_views;"
    "remove": {
      "field": "enrich_data",
      "ignore_missing": true,
      "ignore_failure": true

If there is more "elastic" way to accomplish task - please let me know)

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