[ERROR] Cannot race. Error in track preparator (No host specified.)

After the following command line was executed, I faced error.
Would you please tell me how to resolve it?
$ esrally --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts= --track=geonames --challenge=append-no-conflicts --distribution-version=6.6.0 --on-error=abort
[WARNING] Local changes in [/home/rally/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/default] prevent tracks update from remote. Please commit your changes.

[ERROR] Cannot race. Error in track preparator (No host specified.)

Getting further help:


please don't post unformatted code as it's very hard to read.

Instead paste the text and format it with </> icon, and check the preview
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It would be great if you could update your post to solve this.

To your specific question: Can you please check the contents of /home/rally/.rally/logs/rally.log? It should contain a stack trace towards the end of the log file that might help diagnose your problem.


Here is the log snapshot:


the stack trace doesn't really help much but it seems to be related to a failure to establish a network connection while Rally is attempting to download something. The only thing that is downloaded at this point is the track corpus and I see in your initial message that Rally prints the following warning:

[WARNING] Local changes in [/home/rally/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/default] prevent tracks update from remote. Please commit your changes.

Did you modify the Rally track? Can you please reset your local state and attempt to run the benchmark without modifications first to ensure this is not the problem?


Thank you! I reset my local state,it is ok,and i created custom tracks according to this:https://esrally.readthedocs.io/en/0.5.3/adding_tracks.html.
And another error:


can you please copy & paste the relevant snippets and format them as code with the </> icon? I see in the link that you've pasted that you use the docs for version 0.5.3 but you have 1.0.2. installed and we had a lot of changes in between. You should read the documentation for the version of Rally that you have installed.


Thank you for the quick response.I will read the new version of the documentation.

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