I am getting the error ------->[ERROR] Cannot race. Worker [22] has exited prematurely.
Following is setup and configuration
Elastic Search ver 8.5.2
ESRally ver 2.7.0
5 node Kubernetes cluster with 1 controller , 1 Rally benchmark pod, 1 Elasticsearch master pod , 2 Elasticsearch Data pods i.e 4 worker nodes.
num of vcpus : ( Rally node - 128 vcpus, ES- Master 8 vcpus, ES data nodes - 8 vcpus)
num of shards = 4
Bulk size = 10,000
Bulk indexing client = 128
Translog flush = 4g
codec = LZ4
I am seeing this error for bulk indexing client =128 but for lower values of bulk indexing client like 8,16 or 32 not seeing this error.
Kindly some one help me with it.