Error compiling packetbeat on OS X EI Capitan

I'm running into a weird situation here, hope someone could help me out !

While I was compiling packetbeat source code, I got the following error,

go build
could not determine kind of name for C.PCAP_ERROR_ACTIVATED
could not determine kind of name for C.PCAP_ERROR_IFACE_NOT_UP
could not determine kind of name for C.PCAP_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE
could not determine kind of name for C.PCAP_ERROR_PERM_DENIED
could not determine kind of name for C.PCAP_WARNING_PROMISC_NOTSUP
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_activate
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_can_set_rfmon    
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_create
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_free_datalinks
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_offline_filter
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_set_buffer_size
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_set_promisc
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_set_rfmon
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_set_snaplen
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_set_timeout
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_statustostr

clang errors for preamble:
../vendor/ error: use of undeclared identifier                 'PCAP_ERROR'
    return PCAP_ERROR;
../vendor/ error: use of undeclared identifier 'PCAP_ERROR'
    return PCAP_ERROR;
2 errors generated.

make: *** [build] Error 2

I checked the pcap.go file and found the two error lines were within the annotation, seems the compiler took the annotation as program statements incorrectly, how did that happen ?

then I tried to build it on Linux, it worked. Below is my environment of GO:

GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-        length=0 -fno-common"

Any idea is appreciated !!

it turned out that the annotation lines in GO code is cgo (C code in GO), then the problem becomes why cgo failed to include pcap.h header file which include PCAP_ERROR and some additional variables.

below is the code I found in beats/vendor/

package pcap
10 /*
11 #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lpcap
12 #cgo freebsd LDFLAGS: -lpcap
13 #cgo openbsd LDFLAGS: -lpcap
14 #cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -lpcap
15 #cgo solaris LDFLAGS: -lpcap
16 #cgo windows CFLAGS: -I C:/WpdPack/Include
17 #cgo windows,386 LDFLAGS: -L C:/WpdPack/Lib -lwpcap
18 #cgo windows,amd64 LDFLAGS: -L C:/WpdPack/Lib/x64 -lwpcap
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <pcap.h>
22 // Some old versions of pcap don't define this constant.
24 #define PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN 0xffffffff
25 #endif

seems line#20 is not functioning, really need your advices.

That's strange, libpcap should be installed by default on OS X, and the flags should be fine to work with the default installation.

Please check that the /usr/include/pcap.h exists on your system.

Thanks for the reply.

I do have a pcap.h in /usr/include.

The problem is solved as below.

I searched google about clang, found the following command which can show some info about clang.
clang -v -x c /dev/null
the output for this command is :

#include <...> search starts here:
 /Applications/    ang/7.3.0/include

which means clang search for pcap.h according to this order above.
then I checked first one /usr/local/include and found a pcap.h file but the version seemed to be incorrect 'cause it did not contain PCAP_ERROR, I have not idea how this file appeared.
The compiler possibly found this file and stop looking at the other lines, so missed the correct one under /usr/include.

rename the pcap.h file to pcap_not_in_use.h, it works now.

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