[resolved] Error when trying to build packetbeat from sources

Hello everyone,

I would like to implement the memcached protocol for Packetbeat and so to begin I try to compile packetbeat from the github sources. But when I run make, I have some errors and I can't find a solution around the web :

# first make sure we have godep
go get github.com/tools/godep
/home/users/mydir/gocode/bin/godep go build
# github.com/tsg/gopacket/pcap
could not determine kind of name for C.PCAP_ERROR_IFACE_NOT_UP
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_free_datalinks
could not determine kind of name for C.pcap_offline_filter
godep: go exit status 2
make: *** [packetbeat] Error 1

I understand that the error comes from pcap library, which is installed on my Suse Linux. But I don't know what to do from now and any help would be welcomed.

EDIT : problem solved. It was coming from a wrong version of libpcap.so


First of all it's good that you mentioned memcache because @steffens is already working on it! His work in progress is here: https://github.com/urso/packetbeat/tree/feature/proto-memcache

Regarding the error, I'm not sure but I found a possible hint in this question here (not the accepted answer, the one about the locale). So maybe check that the gcc output seems to make sense.

Great news for the memcached protocol. Any idea about when it will be available ?

The solution you gave doesn't work but maybe it's indeed a problem with gcc or C code. I'll find out.

It will be in beta3, we target it for around 3 weeks from now.