Error following x-pack installation

installed elasticsearch and kibana on ubuntu 18:04
both working fine
then installed x-pack.
also apparently went well

d@t5500:/usr/share/kibana$ sudo bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack
[sudo] password for d:
Attempting to transfer from x-pack
Attempting to transfer from
Transferring 264988487 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Retrieving metadata from plugin archive
Extracting plugin archive
Extraction complete
Optimizing and caching browser bundles...
Plugin installation complete

but now, port 5601 displays "Login is currently disabled. Administrators should consult the Kibana logs for more details." http://localhost:5601/login?next=%2Fapp%2Fkibana#/home?_g=()

How can I fix this?

Could this have been avoided by changing the elasticsearch or kibana configuration before x-pack installation?

Did you follow the installing X-Pack instructions?

Simply installing the plugin will not work - there are specific set up steps that you need to follow so that Kibana can connect to an ES cluster that is secured with X-Pack. The installation documentation walks you through these steps.

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