Error in building and running Elasticsearch Source Code in IntelliJ IDEA

I want to import and run Elasticsearch source code into an IntelliJ IDEA project, for that :

  1. I have cloned the latest Elasticsearch Source Code from the official Github repository
    JAVA_HOME is set to /home/bhavya/.jenv/versions/11

  2. Then I imported the project into IntelliJ IDEA

  3. Now when I run the elastic search from IntelliJ IDEA, using build.gradle, following response is generated

        4:41:23 PM: Executing task...

    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:compileJava
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:processResources NO-SOURCE
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:classes
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:jar
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:assemble
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:test NO-SOURCE
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:check UP-TO-DATE
    > Task :buildSrc:reaper:build

    > Task :buildSrc:compileJava
    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    > Task :buildSrc:compileGroovy
    Note: /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/org/elasticsearch/gradle/test/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
    WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass (file:/home/bhavya/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-6.5-all/2oz4ud9k3tuxjg84bbf55q0tn/gradle-6.5/lib/groovy-all-1.3-2.5.11.jar) to method java.util.AbstractCollection.finishToArray(java.lang.Object[],java.util.Iterator)
    WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass
    WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
    WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

    > Task :buildSrc:generateVersionProperties UP-TO-DATE
    > Task :buildSrc:pluginDescriptors UP-TO-DATE
    > Task :buildSrc:processResources UP-TO-DATE
    > Task :buildSrc:classes
    > Task :buildSrc:jar
    > Task :buildSrc:assemble
    > Task :buildSrc:pluginUnderTestMetadata
    > Task :buildSrc:compileTestFixturesJava
    > Task :buildSrc:compileTestFixturesGroovy NO-SOURCE
    > Task :buildSrc:processTestFixturesResources NO-SOURCE
    > Task :buildSrc:testFixturesClasses
    > Task :buildSrc:testFixturesJar
    > Task :buildSrc:compileTestJava
    > Task :buildSrc:compileTestGroovy NO-SOURCE
    > Task :buildSrc:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
    > Task :buildSrc:testClasses
    > Task :buildSrc:test SKIPPED
    > Task :buildSrc:validatePlugins
    > Task :buildSrc:check
    > Task :buildSrc:build
    Elasticsearch Build Hamster says Hello!
      Gradle Version        : 6.5
      OS Info               : Linux 5.3.0-62-generic (amd64)
      JDK Version           : 14 (OpenJDK)
      JAVA_HOME             : /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-14.0.1
      Random Testing Seed   : FABD41EAA6CF4507
      In FIPS 140 mode      : false

    > Task :help

    Welcome to Gradle 6.5.

    To run a build, run gradle <task> ...

    To see a list of available tasks, run gradle tasks

    To see a list of command-line options, run gradle --help

    To see more detail about a task, run gradle help --task <task>

    For troubleshooting, visit

    1 actionable task: 1 executed
    4:41:42 PM: Task execution finished.
  1. Now according to, when I run Elasticsearch using command ./gradlew :run from the terminal, I get the following errors :


        OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option AggressiveOpts was deprecated in version 11.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option MaxPermSize; support was removed in 8.0
    Elasticsearch Build Hamster says Hello!
      Gradle Version        : 6.5
      OS Info               : Linux 5.3.0-62-generic (amd64)
      JDK Version           : 11 (JDK)
      JAVA_HOME             : /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
      Random Testing Seed   : 2091C4A33F3190DA
      In FIPS 140 mode      : false

    > Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:compileJava FAILED
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public void validate(final List<String> value) {
      required: class
      found:    <any?>
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public void validate(final List<String> value) {
      required: reference
      found:    <any?>
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public void validate(final List<String> hosts, final Map<Setting<?>, Object> settings) {
      required: class
      found:    <any?>
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public void validate(final List<String> hosts, final Map<Setting<?>, Object> settings) {
      required: reference
      found:    <any?>
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public void validate(final List<String> hosts, final Map<Setting<?>, Object> settings) {
      required: class
      found:    <any?>
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public void validate(final List<String> hosts, final Map<Setting<?>, Object> settings) {
      required: class
      found:    <any?>
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public void validate(final List<String> hosts, final Map<Setting<?>, Object> settings) {
      required: reference
      found:    <any?>
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public Iterator<Setting<?>> settings() {
      required: class
      found:    <any?>
    /home/bhavya/Code/elasticsearch/x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/exporter/http/ error: unexpected type
                            public Iterator<Setting<?>> settings() {
      required: class
      found:    <any?>
    9 errors

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':x-pack:plugin:monitoring:compileJava'.
    > java.lang.AssertionError: isSubtype UNKNOWN

    * Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    * Get more help at

    BUILD FAILED in 7s
    353 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 349 up-to-date

Note: When JAVA_HOME is set to /home/bhavya/.jenv/versions/14, I get the following errors when trying to run Elasticsearch using ./gradlew :run

    Unrecognized VM option 'AggressiveOpts'
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

Can anyone help me in resolving this issue?

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