I have installed elastic search on HP-unix machine with below architecture.
(result of "uname -a")
HP-UX XXXXXXX B.11.23 U ia64 0618204674 unlimited-user license
The java/jre version is ""
The server starts successfully.
But when i try to index data i get below error. The full error log is
attached. Any help related to this error is much appreciated. Thank You.
We run Java version 1.6.0_18 and it works fine on Solaris. We also run
version 1.6.0_37 on CentOS (Linux) and that works fine, too. I run
version 1.6.0_51 on Mac OS X and haven't had any problems at all, though
this is not a production platform; it's just for development.
I also have read that OpenJDK 7 (not 6) works well with ES and Lucene.
Any more pointers for the error. Thank You
On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 12:42 PM, InquiringMind brian.from.fl@gmail.comwrote:
Hi, Prasad,
We run Java version 1.6.0_18 and it works fine on Solaris. We also run
version 1.6.0_37 on CentOS (Linux) and that works fine, too. I run
version 1.6.0_51 on Mac OS X and haven't had any problems at all, though
this is not a production platform; it's just for development.
I also have read that OpenJDK 7 (not 6) works well with ES and Lucene.
Thanks and Regards
Prasad Kumar K
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are"
"Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."
Thank you for pointing out the issue.
Do you have any idea ... in which version of jre the above error is fixed?
I jave tried with couple of other versions but still facing same issue?
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