“Error” message creates a pop-up [esaggs]>

if I am ideal for more than 10 minutes and then try to interact Dashboard then I am getting a error pop up msg in my widget.
I am using kibana v 7.10

Can you check your Kibana logs and your browser's console for errors?

Refused to apply style from bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps/kbn-ui-shared-deps.css' because its MIME type ('application/json') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled. manifest.json:1

I have applied custum css in advance setting > visualisation > color mapping.

For me I get this esaggs error and in the browser console I get this error.
core.entry.js:6 POST https://subdomain.domain.ca/internal/search/ese/FnpUZ090MllGU0ZTekQwOHN6cnJWaFEeY0F6WmpmQ3pTLXFHcDFoYmJUNUZlUTo0MjU2MTI2 429

It might be worth creating a new topic for yours, it seems different.

I have fixed it by setting the refresh interval to 7 minutes.

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