Error migrating elastic search from 7.5.0 to 7.6.0


when updating my elasticsearch cluster from 7.5.0 to 7.6.0, the new pods do not start due to a file permission issue:

ERROR: File (target of symlink /mnt/elastic-internal/probe-user/elastic-internal-probe from PROBE_PASSWORD_FILE) must have file permissions 400 or 600, but actually has: 644

I have other deployments that do not have that issue, any idea how to fix this?

For those who encounter the same issue, I had to edit the elastic search statefulset and set the defaultMode to 384 (was 420) in volume "elastic-internal-probe-user" (related to secret elastic-es-internal-users) to fix the issue.

Thanks for raising this issue and posting a workaround @Benoit_V.

I think this should have been fixed in ECK 1.0.0 with Which version of ECK are you using?