Error notification, or log parser?

Hi guys. Is there a way to configure ES to notify someone or something when
an error occurs? Alternatively, is there an ES log parser for finding
errors in ES log files?

If neither exist, what's the recommended way to keep abreast of errors?


So ES logs messages using Log4j, which definitely supports email
notifications. Is it possible to conifgure logging.yml to send emails when
an error occurs?

On May 11, 10:04 am, Nick Hoffman wrote:

So ES logs messages using Log4j, which definitely supports email
notifications. Is it possible to conifgure logging.yml to send emails when
an error occurs?

Haven't tried that but it should work?

Another solution ($) is Papertrail (via log4j syslog appender), see
Java log4j - Papertrail.

Hey Eric. Any idea how you might configure logging.yml to fire off emails
when errors occur?

Never configured log4j with mail notifications, but configuration wise, the
yml is basically the properties based configuration of log4j with
properties simply squashed down.

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 7:50 AM, Nick Hoffman wrote:

Hey Eric. Any idea how you might configure logging.yml to fire off emails
when errors occur?