{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"x_content_parse_exception\",\"reason\":\"[1:2] Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)):


I'm trying to send json string data using bulk update but the json string contain html component
Is that possible?
Because sometimes it's just okay, and sometimes it's error parsing.

This is one of the body that i sent that return error

"\"{ \\\"create\\\" : {\\\"_id\\\" : \\\"GUID\\\"} }\\r\\n{\\\"bucketId\\\": \\\"GUID\\\", \\\"brand\\\": \\\"test\\\", \\\"titlePromoEN\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"titlePromoID\\\": \\\"test\\\", \\\"summaryPromoEN\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"summaryPromoID\\\": \\\"test\\\", \\\"deskripsiEN\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"deskripsiID\\\": \\\"<p><strong>Redeem Your Points Now and Win a Free Trip to Turkey &amp; Dubai!</strong></p>\\n<p>Win a free trip to Turkey &amp; Dubai by joining a program from test! Simply&nbsp;<strong>redeem your test points to enter the program on the test Page</strong>! Don&rsquo;t miss the chance to become the winner, t-mates!</p>\\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\\n<p>Read more on the Terms and Conditions below.</p>\\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\\n<p>going anywhere? test!</p>\\\", \\\"metaKeyword\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"product\\\": [\\\"test\\\",\\\"test\\\",\\\"test\\\",\\\"test\\\"], \\\"lob\\\": [\\\"test\\\",\\\"test\\\",\\\"test\\\"], \\\"area\\\": [\\\"nasional\\\",\\\"test\\\"], \\\"startDate\\\": \\\"2023-11-09 00:01:00.000\\\", \\\"endDate\\\": \\\"2023-12-31 00:01:00.000\\\", \\\"orderDate\\\": \\\"2023-11-08 11:58:00.000\\\", \\\"publishDate\\\": \\\"2023-11-08 18:40:53.409\\\", \\\"isPublished\\\": 1, \\\"hideSettings\\\": \\\"0\\\"}\\r\\n\"",

Can someone give me a best practise for this case?

Thank you.

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