Error starting filebeat

Dear all,

I have such errors trying start filebeat

[loguser@container5 filebeat]$ /etc/init.d/filebeat start
Starting filebeat: 2017/03/27 07:55:39.649381 beat.go:267: INFO Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2017/03/27 07:55:39.649436 beat.go:177: INFO Setup Beat: filebeat; Version: 5.2.2
2017/03/27 07:55:39.649463 publish.go:271: INFO No outputs are defined. Please define one under the output section.
2017/03/27 07:55:39.649498 beat.go:288: CRIT Exiting: error initializing publisher: No outputs are defined. Please define one under the output section.
Exiting: error initializing publisher: No outputs are defined. Please define one under the output section.

Here is my output section in filebeat.yml

#----------------------------- Redis output --------------------------------
hosts: [""]
key: "filebeat"
db: 0
timeout: 5

What is wrong with output?

Hi @emilio,

I'm missing some context from you filebeat.yml, can you paste everything from output.redis:?, definitely there is something wrong in the output settings, here you have some example settings that should work:

  hosts: [""]
  key: "filebeat"
  db: 0
  timeout: 5

Thank you very much.

I have forgotten this part of output:


It is working now :slight_smile:

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So, another one errors:

2017-03-27T13:17:08+04:00 ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): Get http://localhost:9200: dial tcp [::1]:9200: getsockopt: connection refused
2017-03-27T13:17:12+04:00 INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s

But, in my filebeat config

hosts: [""]
key: "filebeat"
db: 0
timeout: 5

What is http://localhost:9200: dial tcp [::1]:9200??

That's probably elasticsearch output, enabled by default, you can disable it manually in your settings

How can i do that?

remove, comment out output.elasticsearch section. Or add enabled: false to output.elasticsearch section.

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