Filebeat throws ERR failed to initialize console plugin as output error

c:\Program Files\Filebeat>filebeat -c filebeat_user.yml -e -v -d "*"
2016/09/14 09:13:53.783830 beat.go:156: DBG Initializing output plugins
2016/09/14 09:13:53.785331 geolite.go:24: INFO GeoIP disabled: No paths were set under output.geoip.paths
2016/09/14 09:13:53.786845 outputs.go:120: ERR failed to initialize console plugin as output: console output initialization failed with: GetFileInformationByHandle /dev/stdout: Incorrect function.
Error Initialising publisher: console output initialization failed with: GetFileInformationByHandle /dev/stdout: Incorrect function.
2016/09/14 09:13:53.793105 beat.go:161: CRIT console output initialization failed with: GetFileInformationByHandle /dev/stdout: Incorrect function.

- valid path
input_type: log
fields_under_root: true
#ignore_older: 1m
#clear_inactive: 1m
#close_older: 100h
scan_frequency: 10m
idle_timeout: 10m
spool_size: 10000
harvester_buffer_size: 26384
hosts: ["ip:port"]
bulk_max_size: 3000

enabled: true
pretty: true

I have given the path, IP and port properly

console output will only work if you've got a console available (running filebeat in foreground). When starting as service, the OS normally will not provide a console.

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The same filebeat.yml works fine in windows 7. Doesn't work on windows 10 machine. Any special settings to be performed??

worked after I removed the console as the output option

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