I'm sure this will be a problem in my yaml but I can't see what it is.
I'm trying to run filebeat 1.3.0 on windows server 2012/
my config is in a file in the same directory as filebeat.exe called filebeat.yml
- "C:\\inetpub\\logs\\LogFiles\\*.log"
input_type: iis
document_type: iis
exclude_lines: ["^#"]
application: application_name
environment: production
fields_under_root: true
hosts: ["logstash.url:5044"]
when I run filebeat.exe -c filebeat.yml -e -v -d "*"
the output is
C:\filebeat-1.3.0-windows>filebeat.exe -c filebeat.yml -e -v -d "*"
2016/09/12 11:53:00.843627 beat.go:156: DBG Initializing output plugins
2016/09/12 11:53:00.844301 geolite.go:24: INFO GeoIP disabled: No paths were set
under output.geoip.paths
2016/09/12 11:53:00.846301 publish.go:269: INFO No outputs are defined. Please d
efine one under the output section.
Error Initialising publisher: No outputs are defined. Please define one under th
e output section.
2016/09/12 11:53:00.856499 beat.go:161: CRIT No outputs are defined. Please defi
ne one under the output section.
putting a console output instead of logstash doesn't have any effect.
I've edited the yml in notepad++ and confirmed that there are no tabs