Error when assigning agent policy after data loss


a few days ago I had the problem that Kibana was still loading and followed the suggestion to delete everything related to kibana on StackOverflow (which I can't link to from here, but the topic was "Kibana server is not ready yet")

But the problem seemed to be my 90% full hdd, so I was able to resolve it.

Now, when I want to assign an agent policy to an agent in fleet I get the following error message:

"Unable to reassign agent policy: Saved object [ingest-agent-policies/78a088a2-f0b9-45a9-9cd4-86a5679b16dc] not found"

How can I resolve this? Is there any possibility to restore the policies? Unfortunately, I did not have snapshots of the data, since it's a development setup and I'm new to elastic.

Thanks in advance for any help.