Error while creating Parallel coordinate in Vega - "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'key')"

Hello everyone,
I am trying to create parallel coordinates for my timeseries data. I am first querying to get wanted fields and then trying to use them for scale and axis plotting.
But I am receiving properties undefined error.

Expected Output:

  • First parallel line should have Brand name, second product ID and third should be Product name
  • All line should have there particular data.
  • and respective data should connect other line data.


Code used:

  description: Parallel coordinates plot showing 3dimensions of product statistics.
  data: [
      name: pro
      url: {
        %context%: true
        %timefield%: @timestamp
        index: selling_data*
        body: {
          aggs: {
            brand_name: {
              terms: {
              aggs: {
                prod_id: {
                  terms: {
                    field: ProductId
                  aggs: {
                    prod: {
                      top_hits: {
                        _source: {
                          includes: ProductName
                        size: 1
          size: 0
      format: {
        property: aggregations.brand_name.buckets
      transform: [
          type: filter
          expr: datum.key
      name: fields
      values: [
  scales: [
      name: ord
      type: point
      range: width
      round: true
      domain: {
        data: fields
        field: data
      name: Brand_Name
      type: ordinal
      range: height
      zero: false
      nice: true
      domain: {
        data: pro
        field: datum.key
      name: Prod_ID
      type: ordinal
      range: height
      zero: false
      nice: true
      domain: {
        data: pro
        field: datum.prod_id.buckets.key
      name: Product
      type: ordinal
      range: height
      zero: false
      nice: true
      domain: {
        data: pro
  axes: [
      orient: left
      zindex: 1
      scale: Brand_Name
      title: Brand_Name
      offset: {
        scale: ord
        value: Brand_Name
        mult: -1
      orient: left
      zindex: 1
      scale: Prod_ID
      title: Prod_ID
      offset: {
        scale: ord
        value: Product_ID
        mult: -1
      orient: left
      zindex: 1
      scale: Product
      title: Product
      offset: {
        scale: ord
        value: Product
        mult: -1
  marks: [
      type: group
      from: {
        data: pro
      marks: [
          type: line
          from: {
            data: fields
          encode: {
            enter: {
              x: {
                scale: ord
                field: data
              y: {
                scale: {
                  datum: data
                field: {
                  parent: {
                    datum: data
              stroke: {
                value: steelblue
              strokeWidth: {
                value: 1.01
              strokeOpacity: {
                value: 0.3

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