Errors have caused Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation to fail

trying the install and getting the following

[elk@console1 data]$ ./ install

Elastic Cloud Enterprise Installer

Start setting up a new Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation by installing the software on your first host.

This first host becomes the initial coordinator and provides access to the Cloud UI, where you can manage your installation.

To learn more about the options you can specify, see the documentation.

NOTE: If you want to add this host to an existing installation, please specify the --coordinator-host and --roles-token flags

-- Verifying Prerequisites --

Checking runner container does not exist... PASSED

Checking host storage root volume path is not root... PASSED

Checking host storage path is accessible... FAILED

Path /mnt/data/elastic is not readable

Checking host storage path contents matches whitelist...

Errors have caused Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation to fail

[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/mnt/data/elastic'

[elk@console1 data]$ docker --version
Docker version 1.13.1, build 07f3374/1.13.1

[elk@console1 data]$ ll
total 0

drwxrwxrwx. 2 ansible ansible 6 Apr 26 23:58 elastic

CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

dockerroot:x:994:991:Docker User:/var/lib/docker:/sbin/nologin


What are the permissions on /mnt/data/elastic (and /mnt, /mnt/data)? Normally this happens when the installing user (elk?) can't write to /mnt/data

(Am I reading correctly that elk is a member of the user dockerroot's "personal" group? I think that's harmless but is there a reason for that?)

HI Alex thank for the response and help.

sorry I copied this quickly and didn't include what this output was.

ll /mnt/data/elastic
drwxrwxrwx. 2 ansible ansible 6 Apr 26 23:58 elastic


are all ansible and 777 permissions.

ansible is id 1000 and thats why its used.
elk is part of dockerroot just for troubleshooting.
docker group was created manually

OK I think I understand ... the permissions of the /mnt/data and children should be for the user the install script is run as. The id 1000 is just the default but any id can be used

So I'd delete /mnt/data and recreate as per the docs: (eg

sudo install -o $USER -g $USER -d -m 700 /mnt/data
sudo mount /dev/xvdg1
sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/data
sudo install -o $USER -g $USER -d -m 700 /mnt/data/docker

where USER would be elk

will give it a shot !

[elk@console1 ~]$ ./ install

Elastic Cloud Enterprise Installer

Start setting up a new Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation by installing the software on your first host.
This first host becomes the initial coordinator and provides access to the Cloud UI, where you can manage your installation.
To learn more about the options you can specify, see the documentation.

NOTE: If you want to add this host to an existing installation, please specify the --coordinator-host and --roles-token flags

-- Verifying Prerequisites --
Checking runner container does not exist... PASSED
Checking host storage root volume path is not root... PASSED
Checking host storage path is accessible... PASSED
Checking host storage path contents matches whitelist... PASSED
Checking Docker version... PASSED
Checking Docker file system... PASSED
Checking Docker storage driver... PASSED

  • The installation with overlay2 can proceed; however, we recommend using overlay
    Checking whether 'setuser' works inside a Docker container... PASSED
    Checking runner ip connectivity... PASSED
    Checking OS IPv4 IP forward setting... PASSED
    Checking OS max map count setting... PASSED
    Checking OS kernel version... PASSED
  • OS kernel version is 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 but we recommend 4.4.
    Checking minimum required memory... PASSED
    Checking OS kernel cgroup.memory... PASSED
  • OS setting 'cgroup.memory' should be set to cgroup.memory=nokmem
    Checking OS minimum ephemeral port... PASSED
    Checking OS max open file descriptors per process... PASSED
    Checking OS max open file descriptors system-wide... PASSED
  • OS setting for max open file descriptors system-wide should be >= 251800, currently 65536
    Checking OS file system and Docker storage driver compatibility... PASSED
    Checking OS file system storage driver permissions... PASSED
    -- Completed Verifying Prerequisites --

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