ES Stops Works Randomly


I have 2 ES servers that are being fed by 1 logstash server and viewing the
logs in Kibana. This is a POC to work out any issues before going into
production. The system has ran for ~1 month and every few days, Kibana will
stop showing logs at some random time in the middle of the night. Last
night, the last log entry I received in Kibana was around 18:30. When I
checked on the ES servers, it showed the master running and the secondary
not running (from /sbin/service elasticsearch status), but I was able to do
a curl on the localhost and it returned information. So not sure what's up
with that. Anyway, when I do a status on the master node, I get this:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true'
"cluster_name" : "gis-elasticsearch",
"status" : "red",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 6,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 2,
"active_primary_shards" : 186,
"active_shards" : 194,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 7,
"unassigned_shards" : 249

When I view the indexes, via "ls ...nodes/0/indeces/" it shows all indexes
being modified today for some reason and there are new file for today's
date.So I think I'm starting to catch back up after I restarted both
servers but not sure why it failed in the first place. When I look at the
logs on the master, I only see 4 warning errors at 18:57 and then the
2ndary leaving the cluster. I don't see any logs on the secondary (Pistol)
on why it stopped working or what truly happened.

[2014-03-06 18:57:04,121][WARN ][transport ] [ElasticSearch
Server1] Transport response handler not found of id [64147630]
[2014-03-06 18:57:04,124][WARN ][transport ] [ElasticSearch
Server1] Transport response handler not found of id [64147717]
[2014-03-06 18:57:04,124][WARN ][transport ] [ElasticSearch
Server1] Transport response handler not found of id [64147718]
[2014-03-06 18:57:04,124][WARN ][transport ] [ElasticSearch
Server1] Transport response handler not found of id [64147721]

[2014-03-06 19:56:08,467][INFO ][cluster.service ] [ElasticSearch
Server1] removed
data=false},}, reason:
data=false}), reason failed to ping, tried [3] times, each with maximum
[30s] timeout
[2014-03-06 19:56:12,304][INFO ][cluster.service ] [ElasticSearch
Server1] added
data=false},}, reason: zen-disco-receive(join from

Any idea on additional logging or troubleshooting I can turn on to keep
this from happening in the future? Since the shards are not caught up,
right now I"m just seeing a lot o debug messages about failed to parse. I'm
assuming that will be corrected once we catch up.

[2014-03-07 10:06:52,235][DEBUG][ ] [ElasticSearch
Server1] All shards failed for phase: [query]
[2014-03-07 10:06:52,223][DEBUG][ ] [ElasticSearch
Server1] [windows-2014.03.07][3], node[W6aEFbimR5G712ddG_G5yQ], [P],
s[STARTED]: Failed to execute
[] lastShard [true] [windows-2014.03.07][3]:
from[-1],size[-1]: Parse Failure [Failed to parse source

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