I have an installer script that checks whether an index is already installed, by asking for the aliases of the index by its alias name, equivalent to:
curl ""
(if it were already installed, dev_userdetail
would be an alias name, not an index name, but the normal situation here is that neither the index nor alias would exist).
In ES5.4 this used to return a 404 if the index/alias did not exist (which is what I'd expect). In ES6 RC1 it returns a 405 error instead, and says:
{"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/dev_userdetail/_aliases] and method [GET], allowed: [PUT]","status":405}
It may be there in the breaking changes, but I haven't found it yet. This looks vaguely relevant: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.0/breaking_60_indices_changes.html#_indices_aliases_api_resolves_indices_expressions_only_against_indices but doesn't really seem to be what I'm doing.
Is this an intentional change, or a bug?