Esrally running the same track by giving multiple laps not working

I want to run the same track repeatedly in a loop , because I want to do the benchmark performance testing for 3 hours.

When I ran without lap count, it get completed within 30 minutes.
However, even when I ran with below suggested laps , syntax it ends after 30 minutes .

Highly appreciate any help regarding this . Thank you.


for lap in $(seq 1 ${RALLY_LAPS})
nohup /usr/local/bin/esrally --track-path=/home/sadesilva/samfiles --target-hosts= --pipeline=benchmark-only --client-options="use_ssl:true,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'username',basic_auth_password:'password',timeout:120" >> rally_stdout.log 2>> rally_stderr.log < /dev/null &

Hi @Sameera_De_Silva, thanks for using Rally!

I believe the issue here is you end up running your tests concurrently with the trailing & in your command, as that will background the esrally task and move on to the next loop iteration.

Hope that helps,
Rick B

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Thank you for the suggestion I ran again without trailing & sign, however the Esrally didn't get start.

Can you share rally_stderr.log? rally_stdout.log if that is empty

Sure ,here attached , also I noticed that rally.log is got get created and Esrally is now running when I gave with out

last & sign. I'll keep you posted about the status once it's finished.

Thank you [RickBoyd] running without trailing & got the Esrally running . However, when I check the overall document count, and the size, it was still same as I ran once . Could you suggest was that the expected behavior ?

Hard to say without more specific information, but what it seems like you're looking at is the most recent race outcome, in which case that would be correct. The script, as you've written and executed it, is simply running the race 3 times, and is not expected to aggregate the stats from the overall execution.

I attached the track.json that I used.

"version": 2,
"description": "Tutorial benchmark for Rally",
"indices": [
"name": "customrecords",
"body": "",
"types": [ "docs" ]
"corpora": [
"name": "rally-tutorial",
"documents": [
"source-file": "documents.json",
"document-count": 12109130,
"uncompressed-bytes": 12258880607,
"target-index": "geocustom"
"source-file": "samples.json",
"document-count": 859010,
"uncompressed-bytes": 523137083,
"target-index": "customrecords"
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"operation-type": "create-index"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "cluster-health",
"request-params": {
"wait_for_status": "green"
"operation": {
"operation-type": "bulk",
"bulk-size": 100
"warmup-time-period": 120,
"clients": 8,
"target-throughput": 800

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