Evacuate node for maintenance


when I have a 3 node cluster and and 3 shards (1 primary, 2 replica) per index, as to my experience it is not possible to evacuate a node completely, which makes sense to me. Is it safe in this case to stop Elasticsearch service node by node for maintenance?

After re-including a node to the cluster, no primary shards get scheduled to that node. Is this expected behavior? Can this be a problem? If yes, how can I achieve automatic re-balancing of primary shards? Config looks like this:

# curl -s -k -u elastic:$elasticpw -X GET 'https://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?include_defaults' | jq '.defaults.cluster.routing.allocation'
  "use_adaptive_replica_selection": "true",
  "rebalance": {
    "enable": "all"
  "allocation": {
    "node_concurrent_incoming_recoveries": "2",
    "include": {
      "_tier": ""
    "node_initial_primaries_recoveries": "4",
    "same_shard": {
      "host": "false"
    "total_shards_per_node": "-1",
    "require": {
      "_tier": ""
    "shard_state": {
      "reroute": {
        "priority": "NORMAL"
    "type": "balanced",
    "disk": {
      "threshold_enabled": "true",
      "watermark": {
        "flood_stage.frozen.max_headroom": "20GB",
        "flood_stage": "95%",
        "high": "90%",
        "low": "85%",
        "enable_for_single_data_node": "false",
        "flood_stage.frozen": "95%"
      "include_relocations": "true",
      "reroute_interval": "60s"
    "awareness": {
      "attributes": []
    "balance": {
      "index": "0.55",
      "threshold": "1.0",
      "shard": "0.45"
    "enable": "all",
    "node_concurrent_outgoing_recoveries": "2",
    "allow_rebalance": "indices_all_active",
    "cluster_concurrent_rebalance": "2",
    "node_concurrent_recoveries": "2",
    "exclude": {
      "_tier": ""

Why is that?


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