Exact match and fuzziness…What is the good way?

Hello, i was invert many hours trying found the best way to create and autocomplete that support a multilanguaje seach of cities. (ES/EN), fuzzieness and get priority for exact match (show this at top of results) but i cant find a good way to make this task.

My current solution work very well in many cases, but when I to find for Roma the first option is "Iasi-East Romania, romania" and Roma italy is the thirty function (is an exact match)

Result Json:

[{"_index":"destinations","_type":"doc","_id":"_X80XWcBn2nzTu98N7_F","_score":75.50012,"_source":{"destination_name_en":"Iasi-East Romania","destination_name_es":"Iasi-East Romania","destination_name_pt":"Iasi-East Romania","country_code":"RO","country_name":"ROMANIA","destination_id":7953,"popularity":"0"}},{"_index":"destinations","_type":"doc","_id":"7380XWcBn2nzTu98OMZl","_score":73.116455,"_source":{"destination_name_en":"La Romana","destination_name_es":"La Romana","destination_name_pt":"La Romana","country_code":"DO","country_name":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC","destination_id":2816,"popularity":"0"}},{"_index":"destinations","_type":"doc","_id":"1X80XWcBn2nzTu98OMZl","_score":71.4391,"_source":{"_index":"destinations","_type":"doc","_id":"8H80XWcBn2nzTu98OMZl","_score":52.018818,"_source":{"destination_name_en":"Rome","destination_name_es":"Roma","destination_name_pt":"Roma","country_code":"IT","country_name":"ITALY","destination_id":6338,"popularity":"0"}}]

Right now this is my best solution..


'settings' => [ 
	            'analysis' => [ 	
		            'filter' => [
	                    'autocomplete_filter' => [
	                        "type"=> "edge_ngram",
					        "min_gram"=> 1,
					        "max_gram"=> 20,

		            'analyzer' => [
	                    'autocomplete' => [
	                        "type" => "custom",
	                        'tokenizer' => "standard",
	                        'filter' => ['lowercase', 'asciifolding', 'autocomplete_filter'],
	        'mappings' =>[
            	'doc' => [
			        "properties"=> [
			            "destination_name_en"=> [
			               "type"=> "text",
			               "analyzer"=> "autocomplete",
			               "search_analyzer"=> "standard",

			            "destination_name_es"=> [
			               "type"=> "text",
			               "analyzer"=> "autocomplete",
			               "search_analyzer"=> "standard",
			            "destination_name_pt"=> [
			               "type"=> "text",
			               "analyzer"=> "autocomplete",
			               "search_analyzer"=> "standard",
			            "popularity"=> [
			               "type"=> "integer",


'query' => [
        		"bool" => [
			    	"should" => [	
                                "boost" => 2
                                "fuzziness" => "1",
                                "prefix_length"=> 2                                   

Also, i want add boost to specific destination using her popularity value.

I hope that someone can guide me with an example or direction of which way to go.

I would appreciate it very much

maybe you can try with "best_fields",not "most_fields".or you can give boost to the best match field

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