I have a PHP script that performs multiple queries that are mostly identical except the words being queried. They get the query words from a variable in PHP. They look like this:
$q = $_GET['q'];
$query = $es->search([
'index' => 'aksjeregisteret2017',
'size' => 20,
'body' => [
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'must' => [
'multi_match' => [
'query' => $q,
'type' => "phrase_prefix",
'fields' => ['message', 'Navn Aksjoner', 'Orgnr', 'Selskap',
'Aksjeklasse', 'Navn Aksjoner', 'Fodselar/Orgnr', 'Postnr',
'Antall Aksjer', 'Antall Aksjer Selskap'],
"minimum_should_match" => "100%"
Now this works fine. It returns the results and I'm able to do whatever I want with it.
The problem is that it also returns documents that does not contain exactly what I'm searching. For example when searching for "Hopland AS" I find the documents containing "Hopland AS" but I also find documents containing that does not contain it, but instead contains words such as "Hopland Geir Atle" and "Geir Hopland AS".
What I want is the query to not return the documents that does not contain exactly "Hopland AS" in any of their fields. Is this feasible? Any other information I can provide to help find a solution?
I'm using Elasticsearch 6.3.2. The PHP is running on Apache2 with PHP 7.2.