Execbeat-master Installation

I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago) . I want to install exec beats. I downloaded the exec beat master zip file from https://github.com/christiangalsterer/execbeat. I installed go version of go version go1.6.2 linux/amd64 under /usr/local/.

https://github.com/christiangalsterer/execbeat#build-test-run. Here he mentioned GOPATH=<your go path> make execbeat. I mentioned GOPATH=/usr/local/go/bin/go make execbeat. Then its showing an error of
# first make sure we have godep go get github.com/tools/godep make: go: Command not found make: *** [execbeat] Error 127

But I have the godep in /root/work/bin

What I have to do to go further??? Is there any other rpm of exec beats to install simply ???

Have you already installed golang environment and configed?
check out this: https://golang.org/doc/install

I already installed it and tested also..

I installed go version of go version go1.6.2 linux/amd64 under /usr/local/.

Did you add /usr/local/go/bin to your PATH variable?

Here he mentioned GOPATH=<your go path> make execbeat. I mentioned GOPATH=/usr/local/go/bin/go make execbeat.

No, GOPATH should not be the path to your go executable. It's the root directory of your Go development workspace, e.g. ~/src/go. Read How to Write Go Code - The Go Programming Language.

But I have the godep in /root/work/bin

What's it doing there? Don't build anything as root.

Thanks Its solved now.

How was it fixed?
Providing a solution may help others in future.

Can I have full version "step by step" how to install execbeat? i am really confused now. Right now I have already install go by using "yum install go" on CentOS and now I clone https://github.com/christiangalsterer/execbeat in /opt/execbeat and what I have to do next?

I installed in Redhat 6

Installed go in /usr/local/ Go Version: 1.6 minimum

To install this Need to update python also Python Version : 2.7.11(I used)

Create workspace as mentioned in the link
mkdir -p $HOME/work/src/github.com/christiangalsterer export GOPATH=$HOME/work export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin/

Note: Please check your go is installed correctly before continue.
If your installation of go is succesfully completed then

cd $HOME/work/src/github.com/christiangalsterer git clone https://github.com/christiangalsterer/execbeat cd execbeat make
curl -XPUT 'http://curl -XPUT 'http://xxx.xx.x.xxx:9200/_template/execbeat' -d@etc/execbeat.template.json

Warning: If you got an error for the template after executing
cp execbeat.template.json <to/the/folder/its/mentioned/in/the/error/
Hope it helps.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

You can get that from

go get https://github.com/tools/godep

I have new problem after "make"


As these are basic golang packages, it looks like a potential issue with your go paths?

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