Exiting: Registry file path must be a file. /usr/share/filebeat/data/registry is a directory

I am try to match the various compatible version listed here : https://www.elastic.co/support/matrix#matrix_compatibility, but when i use 6.8.0, i am getting this error in my filebeat daemonset, any idea how to fix this?

ERROR beater/filebeat.go:311 Could not init registrar: Registry file path must be a file. /usr/share/filebeat/data/registry is a directory.


ERROR instance/beat.go:906 Exiting: Registry file path must be a file. /usr/share/filebeat/data/registry is a directory.
Exiting: Registry file path must be a file. /usr/share/filebeat/data/registry is a directory.

As a result of these errors my containers are "Waiting: CrashLoopBackOff"

thanks for your support.

Hi Maurya,

I just had the same problem after trying Filebeat version 7.1 before changing to 6.7 for compatibility reasons. Did you also tried another version before the one you are using ?

Alexis, devops@gologic.ca


hi @Lemelin, yes i was on 6.3.0 ( which was working ) but due to some sidecar container (for some k8s requirement) deployment of filebeat realized there is some issue with the default distribution not used.

So we rolled out our solution to 7.1.0 version of ES, Kibana, Filebeat ( dropped logstash) yesterday and everything seems to be working fine so far.

I recommend using the compatible distribution on this to have better support : https://www.elastic.co/support/matrix#matrix_compatibility

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