Expandable tree view in Data table

Hi, I have a field called ID with levels in it.

Example of an ID value: AcBo5w.VxMGCA.Z1PANA ( 3 levels)

How can I see the data in an tree view starting with the first level (AcBo5w) and then drilling down to the second level (VxMGCA), etc?

Kibana does not support nested object documents currently, but there is a workaround which is to denormalize your data before indexing.

You might get some value from looking into the discussion on this post: https://discuss.elastic.co/t/getting-around-kibanas-missing-support-for-nested-objects-parent-child/

Thanks for the answer. I started reading the mentioned post, but I'm not sure it's related.

Let's say I have 3 objects with multiple different fields.

  • One with ID: AcBo5w
  • One with ID: AcBo5w.VxMGCA
  • One with ID: AcBo5w.VxMGCA.Z1PANA

Now I'm seeing the data in 3 separate lines (using the visualization "Data table"), but I only want to see the parent (AcBo5w) and be able to drill down to see the other ones (like a tree view).

In other words, I want to regroup the data by ID (same first 6 characters) in a visualization. Is this possible?

Kibana doesn't have any feature to click to drill down into further details for data.

There is an enhancement request open to do something like this: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/4439

That might not be what you are looking for either, that's a little bit more about going from a high-level aggregation and drilling into the details of the documents that make up the aggregation.

I think you would have to find a way to denormalize your data into different fields so you can have different visualizations per "level" in order to navigate your data in Kibana.