Explanation of mapping in documentation

It would be good if the documentation explaining mapping
http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/mapping/ was clearer and
easier to understand, perhaps with examples and more narrative

I've read it but I still don't really understand what mapping is.

Without wanting to be too picky, sentences like this could be worded
differently: "Mapping types are a way to try and divide the documents
indexed into the same index into logical groups. "


Mapping is how ES will deal with each field. Is it a Date, String ? Will it be searchable ? What kind of analyzer ES will use for that field.

David :wink:
Twitter : @dadoonet / @elasticsearchfr

Le 2 mai 2012 à 05:53, Duke Dougal dukedougal@gmail.com a écrit :

It would be good if the documentation explaining mapping
Elasticsearch Platform — Find real-time answers at scale | Elastic was clearer and
easier to understand, perhaps with examples and more narrative

I've read it but I still don't really understand what mapping is.

Without wanting to be too picky, sentences like this could be worded
differently: "Mapping types are a way to try and divide the documents
indexed into the same index into logical groups. "
