Export CSV data from Elasticsearch using Logstash


I am trying to extract pivoted data from ES using Logstash. It works on Kibana but not on Logstash.

`Error: [400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"Unknown key for a VALUE_STRING in [query].","line":1,"col":10}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"Unknown key for a VALUE_STRING in [query].","line":1,"col":10},"status":400}`
    input {
     elasticsearch {
        hosts => "localhost:9200"
        index => "myindex"
        query => '
          "select * from (select A,B, key, value from myindex) pivot(sum(value) for key in (\"Value1\") )"

This works in Kibana. The only difference is the single quote.

    POST /_sql?format=txt
        "query": "select * from (select A, B, key, value from myindex) pivot(sum(value) for key in ('Value1') )"

The elasticsearch input uses _search, not _sql, so you cannot use SQL syntax in queries.

Ah thanks. I will convert it.

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