Export Teleport Audit Events to the Elastic Stack

i need help with Exporting Teleport Audit logs to the Elastic Stack - KIbana
i am beginner on everything thats way i faced a problem in each step .
i need help on explaining how to do all that

the things that i did installed logstash and kibana on my auth server and they are enabled
also i created the event handler and thats it
i don't know how to connect every thing together .

i am using Elastic Cloud account.
also teleport self host
i need step by step please

Teleport has extensive docs for precisely this scenario, covering both Elastic on prem and cloud backends:

the things that i did installed logstash and kibana on my auth server and they are enabled

Why? Kibana is already available in your Elastic Cloud account, you don't need to run one on prem as well.

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