Exporting/Importing Saved Objects in Kibana 7.1

We are stuck with 7.1 being the newest version of Kibana we can use in our environment. I'm attempting to import multiple saved objects that was exported by hand in Kibana into a JSON file. This would be done during standup of our AWS Cloudformation stack with a simple curl request hitting the import API while passing the exported JSON in, but I'm seeing this wasn't fleshed out until version 7.2 according to documentation. I see you can create an object with the 7.1 API, but the formatting of the exported saved objects is not valid for what that call expects. What's the easiest way to export after changes are made and import the exported JSON file automatically during standup?

Hi @Colby_Dozier

There is an experimental api in 7.1 for bulk saved object import. The expected input for that does not match up with an exported object however, so you will likely have to do some massaging of your export to get it to match up to the expected input format.

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Thanks for getting back to me. Is there any decent references for what the json (or probably ndjson) should look like that would include different types of saved objects?


There are some simple examples on that page I linked.


POST api/saved_objects/_bulk_create
    "type": "index-pattern",
    "id": "my-pattern",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "my-pattern-*"
    "type": "dashboard",
    "id": "my-dashboard",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "Look at my dashboard"

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