Extract a term from a column in elasticsearch nest

I have a field in a class called Employee

public class Employee

              public string Description { set; get; }


Now the Description is column which is extracted from a csv file. The content of description looks like :

Contact Name/Number:

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Now I need to extract the LOTID number i.e DE456YUI . How do I extract this "DE456YUI" ? from a column ? I am using elasticsearch version 1.4 and nest version 1.4 . I have tried with .search function but that doesnt do search inside field contents specially when you have a line/tags inside a column like this. Please suggest what can be done.

I see that you've posted exactly the same question on stackoverflow without any cross-linking. Stop that.

well this is not the answer certainly and definitely not a suggestion either. Thanks for letting me know anyways!

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