Extract filed from specific message

Hi Everyone. I have a problem. How can I extract statusCodeValue from

2024-04-24 11:02:20 - [http-nio-8082-exec-6] - [2e7e7b76-fbb6-47b2-b07e-7471175aacea] fiscal-information ResponseData [{"headers":{},"body":{"timestamp":"1713943940237","requestTraceId":"dfda59a15f5f014afbc156d03f6e07bd","errors":[{"code":"4160","message":"دسترسی مشاهده اطلاعات شناسه یکتای درخواست شده ممکن نیست."}]},"statusCode":"OK","statusCodeValue":200}]  Overall ResponseTime is [63] milliseconds

Here is a similar request. Use grok, and try to complete this by yourself.

Please do not post multiple copies of the same request.