"Extracting" Data from a Message

So I am coming from Splunk, currently using Graylog, and trying to set up the ELK Stack to analyze power usage. I have my Energy Monitor sending messages to the server properly. Here are a couple lines for an example:

Vera-35030422 EventWatcher: M [022] Home Energy Monitor, Watts = 1001.520
Vera-35030422 EventWatcher: M [022] Home Energy Monitor, Watts = 1002.240
Vera-35030422 EventWatcher: M [022] Home Energy Monitor, Watts = 764.040
Vera-35030422 EventWatcher: M [022] Home Energy Monitor, Watts = 5115.480
Vera-35030422 EventWatcher: M [022] Home Energy Monitor, Watts = 894.720

I am pulling my hair out trying to "extract" a few things from each message. It was relatively easy using regular expressions and capture groups with the other products I used.

Basically, I need to be able to pull (make fields) from:
-DeviceID 022 (variable)
-DeviceName "Home Energy Monitor" (there are two more so it's variable, ie. HEM, HEM2, HEM3).
-Watts ... just the float number at the end.

I need to convert the Watts to a float value rather than a string so that it can be graphed.

Anyone have any hints?

The grok filter is the Logstash plugin that provides regular expressions and capture groups. Something like this should work for you:

filter {
  grok {
    match => [
      "%{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE}: M \[%{INT:DeviceID:int}\] %{GREEDYDATA:DeviceName}, Watts = %{NUMBER:Watts:float}"
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Thank You!! I guess I am just still trying to get my head around grok and patterns, that helps A LOT!

Just wanted to follow up that this worked great!