Facets for applied filter should display all options (facets like booking.com / Zappos.com)

I am implementing facets in my project. But I am stuck at one place. My use case is as mentioned below:

  1. We have 4 categories. 1. Country , 2. Month , 3. Type, 4. Gender
  2. If user selects the Country as category and if I apply AND filter then facets return 0 results for all other countries. And as per design we remove those countries from the filter list. But we want to keep the all countries with Specific nos.
  3. After selecting country, Facets returns some Male (Gender) results. On selection of Male Facet should apply #2 filter so that on selection of Male, it will not get all Male options.

You can see in below image.

  1. 1st Column shows the results of on Page Load.
  2. Shows records when selection July month. At that time it shows Female as (383) records.
  3. After that on Selection of Female, it resets the count to (1323) instead it should have computed based on (383) records.

Can someone help me regarding this?

<nabble_img src="Facets.png" border="0"/>