Facing problem while taking snapshot from elastic search 1.3.2 to amazon s3 bucket


I have an Elasticsearch 1.3.2 installed in one of my aws instance, I
followed the given steps to install the elastic cloud was plugin 2.3.0
(since it is compatible version mentioned in the docs).

After that i have updated elasticsearch.yml with my s3 credentials and
restarted elasticsearch with the command

"sudo service Elasticsearch restart"

Now when i am trying to create a repository by using following command

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/s3_repos' -d '{

"type" : "s3",

"settings": {

  "location": "########",
  "region": "#########"


I am getting the following error:

nested: RepositoryException[[s3_repos] failed to create repository];
nested: NoClassSettingsException[failed to load class with value [s3];
tried [s3, org.elasticsearch.repositories.S3RepositoryModule, org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryModule, org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryModule]]; nested:

Any help on what I am missing in it would be of great help.

Thanks in advance.


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