Failed on parsing mappings on index creation [nyc_taxis]

Previously raised issue but the issue is still not fixed.

ES Version 8.2.0
ESRally Version: 2.7.0

Running on kubernetes. Using official docker image.

Getting below error,

message":"failed on parsing mappings on index creation [nyc_taxis]", "ecs.version": "1.2.0","":"ES_ECS","event.dataset":"elasticsearch.server","":"elasticsearch[es-master][masterService#updateTask][T#1]","log.logger":"org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetadataCreateIndexService","elasticsearch.cluster.uuid":"-nByYRa5TOOflVUTHaZ1lg","":"18ZwZRWBSIapSeYkIJ9lSw","":"es-master","":"elasticsearch","error.type":"org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperParsingException","error.message":"Failed to parse mapping: unknown parameter [mode] on mapper [_source] of type [null]","error.stack_trace":"org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperParsingException: Failed to parse mapping: unknown parameter [mode] on mapper [_source] of type [null]\n\tat org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.parseMapping(\n\tat org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.merge(\n\tat

Hi @amitsa , what is the command line invocation you are using for Rally? I double-checked, and this is fixed in the version of nyc_taxis that is compatible with 8.2: rally-tracks/index.json at 8 · elastic/rally-tracks · GitHub (no _source.mode setting)

esrally race --offline --track-params='{"number_of_shards":'${ES_NO_OF_SHARDS}',"number_of_replicas":'${ES_NO_OF_REPLICAS}',"ingest_percentage":'${ES_INGEST_PERCENTAGE}',"bulk_size":'${ES_BULKSIZE}',"bulk_indexing_clients":'${ES_BULK_INDEXING_CLIENT}',"index_settings": { "index.refresh_interval":'${ES_REFRESH_INTERVAL}' }}' --track-path=/rally/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/default/${ES_RALLY_RACE} --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts=${ELASTIC_EP} ${ES_TESTMODE} --challenge=${ES_CHALLENGE} --client-options ${CLIENT_OPTIONS} --report-format=csv

i am using below script to download track

Ah ok,

As we mentioned in the original post, the problem is not in Rally but in the upstream rally-tracks repository that it depends on. When you use --offline it does not fetch track updates from remote track repositories.

How to make it work in offline mode? any workaround?

The branch master should not be used for compatibility reasons. See Track Reference - Rally 2.7.0 documentation

For 8.2 please use while branch 8 is checked out in git

i was getting the same error with rally version 2.3.1 so moved to latest

As we mentioned in the original post, the problem is not in Rally but in the upstream rally-tracks repository that it depends on.

Does using es version 8.4 or greater than 8.4 can help?

i am not using any distribution version in cli. I am just downloading track data from master using download script.
./ nyc_taxis

Apologies, it's not that is concerning, it's the version of the track. --track-path=/rally/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/default/${ES_RALLY_RACE} is pointing to a version of the track that doesn't work.

The branch master should not be used for compatibility reasons. See Track Reference - Rally 2.7.0 documentation

Therefore you should check out branch 8 at that location. Using version 8.4 will technically get you over this specific error but won't guarantee that you are using a version of the track that we have tested or asserts works with your stack version, because you are not using an intentional version of the benchmark code.

can i download track of specific branch with download script?

No, unfortunately. Therefore you should check out branch 8 at that location.

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