Failed to create elasticsearch client

Hi, I am trying to learn about Elastic and fscrawler so I can catalogue and search my pdf’s on a win7 machine. I am going up a very steep learning curve haha

I have installed elastic version 6.4.2 using the suggested installer and its working “as a service” and accessing via, I get for name:”MESH-PC” the following

|tagline|"You Know, for Search"|

I am using port 9202 as 9200 is being used (information from ipconfig)

I have had numerous problems:

  1. I set-up c:\tmp\es manually but changing .json gives an invalid code message when I replace “/tmp/es” with “c:\tmp\es”

  2. The fscrawler message said that I would find the .json file in c:/users/david/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_settings.json but it is the a folder called “c:/vtroot”

I am also unable to create elasticsearch client, see trace below

C:\Program Files\fscrawler-2.5\bin>fscrawler --trace mesh-pc
21:06:23,662 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.f.FsCrawlerUtil] Mapping [2/_settings.json] already exists
21:06:23,667 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.f.FsCrawlerUtil] Mapping [2/_settings_folder.json] already exists
21:06:23,668 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.f.FsCrawlerUtil] Mapping [5/_settings.json] already exists
21:06:23,669 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.f.FsCrawlerUtil] Mapping [5/_settings_folder.json] already exists
21:06:23,671 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.f.FsCrawlerUtil] Mapping [6/_settings.json] already exists
21:06:23,672 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.f.FsCrawlerUtil] Mapping [6/_settings_folder.json] already exists
21:06:23,674 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawler] Starting job [mesh-pc]...
21:06:24,171 TRACE [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawler] settings used for this crawler: [{
  "name" : "MESH-PC",
  "fs" : {
    "url" : "/tmp/es",
    "update_rate" : "15m",
    "excludes" : [ "*/~*" ],
    "json_support" : false,
    "filename_as_id" : false,
    "add_filesize" : true,
    "remove_deleted" : true,
    "add_as_inner_object" : false,
    "store_source" : false,
    "index_content" : true,
    "attributes_support" : false,
    "raw_metadata" : true,
    "xml_support" : false,
    "index_folders" : true,
    "lang_detect" : false,
    "continue_on_error" : false,
    "pdf_ocr" : true,
    "ocr" : {
      "language" : "eng"
  "elasticsearch" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "host" : "",
      "port" : 9202,
      "scheme" : "HTTP"
    } ],
    "bulk_size" : 100,
    "flush_interval" : "5s",
    "byte_size" : "10mb"
  "rest" : {
    "scheme" : "HTTP",
    "host" : "",
    "port" : 8080,
    "endpoint" : "fscrawler"
21:06:25,593 WARN  [f.p.e.c.f.c.ElasticsearchClientManager] failed to create elasticsearch client, disabling crawler...
21:06:25,593 FATAL [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawler] Fatal error received while running the crawler: [Permission denied: no further information]
21:06:25,594 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawler] error caught Permission denied: no further information
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient$SyncResponseListener.get( ~[elasticsearch-rest-client-6.3.2.jar:6.3.2]
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient.performRequest( ~[elasticsearch-rest-client-6.3.2.jar:6.3.2]
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient.performRequest( ~[elasticsearch-rest-client-6.3.2.jar:6.3.2]
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient.performRequest( ~[elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.3.2.jar:6.3.2]
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient.performRequestAndParseEntity( ~[elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.3.2.jar:6.3.2]
        at ~[elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.3.2.jar:6.3.2]
        at fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client.ElasticsearchClient.setElasticsearchBehavior( ~[fscrawler-elasticsearch-client-2.5.jar:?]
        at fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client.ElasticsearchClientManager.start( ~[fscrawler-elasticsearch-client-2.5.jar:?]
        at fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.cli.FsCrawler.main( [fscrawler-cli-2.5.jar:?]
Caused by: Permission denied: no further information
        at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_191]
        at ~[?:1.8.0_191]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.DefaultConnectingIOReactor.processEvent( ~[httpcore-nio-4.4.5.jar:4.4.5]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.DefaultConnectingIOReactor.processEvents( ~[httpcore-nio-4.4.5.jar:4.4.5]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractMultiworkerIOReactor.execute( ~[httpcore-nio-4.4.5.jar:4.4.5]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.conn.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager.execute( ~[httpasyncclient-4.1.2.jar:4.1.2]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClientBase$ ~[httpasyncclient-4.1.2.jar:4.1.2]
        at ~[?:1.8.0_191]
21:06:25,621 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.FsCrawlerImpl] Closing FS crawler [MESH-PC]
21:06:25,622 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.c.ElasticsearchClientManager] Closing Elasticsearch client manager
21:06:25,674 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.c.ElasticsearchClient] Closing REST client
21:06:25,710 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.FsCrawlerImpl] ES Client Manager stopped
21:06:25,712 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.FsCrawlerImpl] FS crawler [MESH-PC] stopped
21:06:25,718 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.FsCrawlerImpl] Closing FS crawler [MESH-PC]
21:06:25,720 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.c.ElasticsearchClientManager] Closing Elasticsearch client manager
21:06:25,720 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.c.ElasticsearchClient] Closing REST client
21:06:25,721 DEBUG [f.p.e.c.f.FsCrawlerImpl] ES Client Manager stopped

C:\Program Files\fscrawler-2.5\bin>

Sorry for the naive question, but I could do with some help

Perhaps I am not being patient enough or doesn't anyone help newbies :slight_smile:
Either I have not configured fscrawler/java correctly or there is a problem with the
Its probably not the best vehicle but I am on a Win7 machine
Any help would be welcome

I don't think it's that nobody wants to help out newbies, but I'm not sure if there are a lot of people running ES on Windows7 in combination with fscrawler.

Your first issue I think is caused because of invalid json syntax. You'll have to escape the input. (c:\\tmp\\es)

I don't have any personal experience with fsscrawler so can't help you out there :frowning:
Maybe @dadoonet can help out.

For whatever reason no client can be created... Never seen this message before.

What gives on your machine?

Thanks [byronvoorbach] you could be right about the usage. I have changed the syntax but still get the error message

Thanks David, Another application is using 9200, hence using that alternative port instead. Could that be the reason? As you can see I have electricsearch on that port

ElasticsearchClientManager is one program, does that make any system assumptions that I have not set in windows7 perhaps?

that output for is above

Could you try this version?

I don't know if something has been fixed in the meantime... Might worth a try.

I tried the new version as suggested but got
> C:\fscrawler-es6-2.6-SNAPSHOT\bin>fscrawler.bat --debug MESH-PC1

 no main manifest attribute, in C:\fscrawler-es6-2.6-SNAPSHOT/lib/fscrawler-cli-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar

OMG! I did something bad apparently...

Haha if you have a problem then someone with my skill set is doomed haha


To workaround it, could you edit bin/fscrawler.bat and replace:

%JAVA% %JAVA_OPTS% -cp "%FS_CLASSPATH%" -jar "%FS_HOME%/lib/fscrawler-cli-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar" !newparams!


%JAVA% %JAVA_OPTS% -cp "%FS_CLASSPATH%" -jar "%FS_HOME%/lib/fscrawler-es6-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar" !newparams!

No luck sorry

16:07:46,974 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] No job specified. Here is the list of existing jobs:
16:07:47,030 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [1] - data
16:07:47,030 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [2] - david
16:07:47,031 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [3] - edata
16:07:47,031 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [4] - e_drive
16:07:47,031 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [5] - fedata
16:07:47,031 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [6] - MESH-PC
16:07:47,031 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [7] - MESH-PC1
16:07:47,031 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [8] - test
16:07:47,031 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [9] - test1
16:07:47,032 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [10] - test12
16:07:47,032 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [11] - TEST123
16:07:47,032 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] [12] - test3
16:07:47,032 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] Choose your job [1-12]...
16:07:59,293 WARN  [f.p.e.c.f.c.v.ElasticsearchClientV6] failed to create elasticsearch client, disabling crawler...
16:07:59,293 FATAL [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] We can not start Elasticsearch Client. Exiting. Permission denied: no further information
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient$SyncResponseListener.get( ~[elasticsearch-rest-client-6.4.2.jar:6.4.2]
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient.performRequest( ~[elasticsearch-rest-client-6.4.2.jar:6.4.2]
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient.performRequest( ~[elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.4.2.jar:6.4.2]
        at org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient.performRequestAndParseEntity( ~[elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.4.2.jar:6.4.2]
        at ~[elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-6.4.2.jar:6.4.2]
        at fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client.v6.ElasticsearchClientV6.getVersion( ~[fscrawler-elasticsearch-client-v6-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client.ElasticsearchClient.checkVersion( ~[fscrawler-elasticsearch-client-base-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.client.v6.ElasticsearchClientV6.start( ~[fscrawler-elasticsearch-client-v6-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.cli.FsCrawlerCli.main( [fscrawler-cli-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
Caused by: Permission denied: no further information
        at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_191]
        at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_191]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.DefaultConnectingIOReactor.processEvent( ~[httpcore-nio-4.4.5.jar:4.4.5]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.DefaultConnectingIOReactor.processEvents( ~[httpcore-nio-4.4.5.jar:4.4.5]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.AbstractMultiworkerIOReactor.execute( ~[httpcore-nio-4.4.5.jar:4.4.5]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.conn.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager.execute( ~[httpasyncclient-4.1.2.jar:4.1.2]
        at org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClientBase$ ~[httpasyncclient-4.1.2.jar:4.1.2]
        at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_191]
16:07:59,304 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.FsCrawlerImpl] FS crawler [MESH-PC1] stopped
16:07:59,305 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.FsCrawlerImpl] FS crawler [MESH-PC1] stopped

Is there any firewall or anything like that which prevents connecting the Java application (FSCrawler) to Elasticsearch? If you have curl can you run curl from the command line?

The firewall is asleep.

Here is the curl output

  "name" : "MESH-PC1",
  "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
  "cluster_uuid" : "GhGmJvzKTwK_uktjKa3vjQ",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "6.4.3",
    "build_flavor" : "default",
    "build_type" : "zip",
    "build_hash" : "fe40335",
    "build_date" : "2018-10-30T23:17:19.084789Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "7.4.0",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "5.6.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "5.0.0"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

Can I invoke a more detailed trace to highlight any issues,so that I can resolve the problem?

I have been doing some Google searches to do with the error messages ``` Permission denied: and Permission denied: and they seem to be associated with

  1. The incompatibility, or lack of correct computer settings, when new sockets are created
  2. IPv4 issues
  3. Mis-specified heaps. I notice in the ES files there is a JVM file, but I don't see one in the FS suite

I did have a problem when installing ES from the MSI that I downloaded in that the JVM.options file could not be evaluated and adding ES_JVM_OPTIONS seemed to solve it . Adding that has not had a knock on effect, or do I need something similar for FS?

Please excuse my persistence.

I have really no idea.

Are you 100% sure that you don't block anything on a network level? ie Microsoft firewall on Java process?

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