We are trying to configure one of our Elasticsearch to receive APM traces, the expectation is that after the configuration of APM integration it will create all the required data stream to ingest traces into this elasticsearch server.
Instead in the APM server we are receiving the following message:
{"log.level":"error","[@timestamp](https://github.com/timestamp)":"2025-01-16T23:29:43.380Z","log.origin":{"function":"github.com/elastic/go-docappender/v2.(*Appender).flush","file.name":"v2@v2.3.1/appender.go","file.line":443},"message":"failed to index documents in 'traces-apm-default' (resource_not_found_exception): [require_data_stream] request flag is [true] and [traces-apm-default] is not a data stream","service.name":"apm-server","documents":5,"ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
{"log.level":"error","[@timestamp](https://github.com/timestamp)":"2025-01-16T23:30:01.032Z","log.origin":{"function":"github.com/elastic/go-docappender/v2.(*Appender).flush","file.name":"v2@v2.3.1/appender.go","file.line":443},"message":"failed to index documents in 'traces-apm-default' (resource_not_found_exception): [require_data_stream] request flag is [true] and [traces-apm-default] is not a data stream","service.name":"apm-server","documents":7,"ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
We have delete and recreate the agent policies and integration multiple times, restarted the APM server, Elasticsearch and Kibana and it does not create the required artifacts that we can see in other Elasticsearch systems where we can ingest traces without a problem.
We have follow the comments mentioned here
I have confirmed that there is not index, nor data stream with the name "traces-apm-default"
This is an initial setup that we are doing in these systems based on version 8.16.2, the other systems were configured in older versions.
Thanks in advance for your help,