Below is the output. Filebeat installed on xx.xx.ELK01 and logstash installed on xx.xx.ELK02. now i am not mutating any field while generating below output.
"input" => {
"type" => "netflow"
"flow" => {
"id" => "I10gpM6xKdE",
"locality" => "public"
"network" => {
"transport" => "tcp",
"direction" => "unknown",
"bytes" => 1400,
"community_id" => "1:blWSqK8gPDQqDqGMZtcdt4DRrC8=",
"packets" => 12,
"iana_number" => 6
"@version" => "1",
"host" => {
"hostname" => "INHY-PAPP-ELK01",
"containerized" => false,
"id" => "e1cebd3d12bc4510bdecafd61726096c",
"ip" => [
[0] "",
[1] "fe80::d4ee:d927:5185:8d0"
"os" => {
"version" => "8 (Core)",
"platform" => "centos",
"family" => "redhat",
"kernel" => "4.18.0-147.8.1.el8_1.x86_64",
"codename" => "Core",
"name" => "CentOS Linux"
"mac" => [
[0] "00:15:5d:10:0b:62"
"name" => "INHY-PAPP-ELK01",
"architecture" => "x86_64"
"tags" => [
[1] "INHY",
[2] "beats_input_raw_event",
[3] "_geoip_lookup_failure"
"source" => {
"geo" => {
"continent_code" => "NA",
"country_name" => "United States",
"timezone" => "America/Los_Angeles",
"country_code3" => "US",
"longitude" => -122.0748,
"country_code2" => "US",
"city_name" => "Mountain View",
"region_code" => "CA",
"region_name" => "California",
"latitude" => 37.4043,
"dma_code" => 807,
"location" => {
"lon" => -122.0748,
"lat" => 37.4043
"ip" => "",
"postal_code" => "94043"
"locality" => "public",
"port" => 443,
"bytes" => 1400,
"ip" => "",
"packets" => 12
"fileset" => {
"name" => "log"
"observer" => {
"ip" => ""
"agent" => {
"ephemeral_id" => "f1cc8358-cde0-44eb-a6cd-336cc4d33392",
"id" => "ee22c382-4c82-4026-b738-70164e05b6cf",
"version" => "7.7.0",
"type" => "filebeat",
"hostname" => "INHY-PAPP-ELK01"
"ecs" => {
"version" => "1.5.0"
"@timestamp" => 2020-05-25T07:01:47.000Z,
"netflow" => {
"protocol_identifier" => 6,
"source_ipv4_address" => "",
"forwarding_status" => 64,
"packet_delta_count" => 12,
"octet_delta_count" => 1400,
"flow_end_sys_up_time" => 1211607664,
"application_id" => [
[0] 20,
[1] 0,
[2] 0,
[3] 48,
[4] 68,
[5] 0,
[6] 0,
[7] 0,
[8] 0
"source_transport_port" => 443,
"post_nat_destination_ipv4_address" => "",
"post_nat_source_ipv4_address" => "",
"post_napt_source_transport_port" => 0,
"post_napt_destination_transport_port" => 51622,
"flow_end_reason" => 3,
"destination_ipv4_address" => "",
"exporter" => {
"version" => 9,
"timestamp" => "2020-05-25T07:01:47.000Z",
"uptime_millis" => 1211613904,
"address" => "",
"source_id" => 4
"flow_start_sys_up_time" => 1211322514,
"egress_interface" => 59,
"post_ip_diff_serv_code_point" => 255,
"ingress_interface" => 3,
"type" => "netflow_flow",
"post_packet_delta_count" => 12,
"post_octet_delta_count" => 1400,
"destination_transport_port" => 51622
"destination" => {
"ip" => "",
"geo" => {},
"locality" => "private",
"port" => 51622
"service" => {
"type" => "netflow"
"event" => {
"action" => "netflow_flow",
"end" => "2020-05-25T07:01:40.760Z",
"start" => "2020-05-25T06:56:55.610Z",
"category" => "network_traffic",
"created" => "2020-05-25T07:01:47.000Z",
"module" => "netflow",
"duration" => 285150000000,
"kind" => "event",
"dataset" => "netflow.log"